quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2015

DSP Tag Libraries

       The DSP tag library lets you work with Nucleus components and other dynamic elements in your JSPs. DSP library tags support both runtime expressions, such as references to scripting variables, and the JSTL Expression Language (EL) elements, which also evaluated at runtime.
       DSP tag names and attributes that have equivalent names in HTML, JSP, or WML typically replicate the functionality of the corresponding tag while providing extra functionality. One exception applies: the  iclass  attribute is used in place of the class attribute to avoid using a standard method name in Java code.

See tags table below...


Summary description:

<dsp:a> Supports passing values to component properties and page parameters on click-through. Also handles URL rewriting.
<dsp:beginTransaction> Starts a transaction.
<dsp:commitTransaction> Completes a transaction.
<dsp:contains> Determines whether a Collection contains a specific single valued item.

Mandatory Attributes:
- values
<dsp:containsEJB> Determines whether a Collection contains an EJB.

Mandatory Attributes:
- values
- ejb
<dsp:demarcateTransaction> Manages a transaction by starting the transaction, checking for errors, rolling back the transaction when errors are found and committing it when they are not.
<dsp:droplet> Invokes an ATG Servlet Bean.

Mandatory Attributes:
- name
<dsp:equalEJB> Determines whether two EJBs have the same primary keys.

Mandatory Attributes:
- ejb1
- ejb2
<dsp:form> Encloses a form that can send DSP form events.
<dsp:frame> Embeds a page by encoding the frame src URL.
<dsp:getvalueof> Creates an EL variable that references the specified component property or page parameter.
<dsp:go> Encloses a form that can send WML form events.
<dsp:iframe> Embeds a dynamic page, by encoding the frame src URL.
<dsp:img> Inserts an image.
<dsp:importbean> Imports a Nucleus component into a page so it can be referred to without using its entire pathname. Also, creates a reference to a Nucleus component in an attribute visible to EL expressions.

Mandatory Attributes:
- bean
<dsp:include> Embeds a page into another page.
<dsp:input> Passes values to a component property on submission.

Mandatory Attributes:
- bean
<dsp:link> References a page, such as a stylesheet, by encoding the link src URLs.
<dsp:oparam> Specifies content to be rendered by an enclosing dsp:droplet tag.
<dsp:option> Specifies content to be rendered by an enclosing dsp:select tag.
<dsp:orderBy> Provides the sorting pattern to parent tag dsp:sort.

Mandatory Attributes:
- property
<dsp:page> Enables Oracle Commerce Platform page processing functionality.
<dsp:param> Stores a value in a parameter.

Mandatory Attributes:
- name
<dsp:postfield> Passes values to a component property on submission. (WML)

Mandatory Attributes:
- bean
<dsp:property> Sets a component property from dsp:a tag.

Mandatory Attributes:
- bean
<dsp:rollbackTransaction> Causes any actions in the current transaction to be returned to their pretransaction state.
<dsp:select> Passes values to a component property on submission.

Mandatory Attributes:
- bean
<dsp:setTransactionRollbackOnly> Specifies that, when a transaction is prompted to end, it ends in a rollback action.
<dsp:setvalue> Sets the value of a component property or a page parameter to a specified value.
<dsp:setxml> Sets attribute display format to XML or HTML.

Mandatory Attributes:
- value
<dsp:sort> Organizes the contents of a Container or array based on a sorting pattern.

Mandatory Attributes:
- values
<dsp:test> Makes an object’s descriptive information available so other tags can find out its size, data type, and so on.

Mandatory Attributes:
- value
<dsp:textarea> Passes values to a component property on submission.

Mandatory Attributes:
- bean
<dsp:tomap> Introduces a page parameter, standard JavaBean or Dynamic
Bean component, or constant value as an element in a JSP that other tags can render using EL.
<dsp:transactionStatus> Reads the current transaction’s status.
<dsp:valueof> Retrieves and displays the value of a page parameter, component property, or constant value.


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